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The Lord founded Bethel in 1983 through His servant Pastor Mike Pass.  Since then Bethel has seen many souls saved and lives changed through the Gospel. Bethel has remained fundamental, independent, and evangelistic and continues to have a traditional style of worship, utilizing the old hymns and King James Version for teaching and preaching.

      In 2008, after 25 years of faithful service, Pastor Pass went home to be with our Lord. Being called by God, recommended by Pastor Pass, and accepted by the people; Brandon Hardy became the second pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in late 2008.


10am Sunday School for all ages

11am Main Service

6pm Evening Service & Kids 4 Truth



7pm Mid-Week Service

          BYG (Bethel Youth Group)

          BYG Jr. (Junior High Group)


As well as:

Soul Winning

New Testament Distribution

Bus Ministry

Children's Ministries

Monthly Prayer Meeting

High School Ministries

Discipleship Classes

Men's/Women's Bible Studies


Nursery available for every service.

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